
Complementing other branches: Chemical Engineering

In this world, packed with development and construction everywhere, it is hard to ignore the involvement of chemicals in our daily lives. From the hair oil and soaps to the medicines and drugs we take and buy on a daily basis, have chemicals in them. Even the clothes we wear, the food we eat, all depends on chemical engineering. And still people fail, mostly students, in recognising the usefulness of chemical engineering and engineers.

Chemical Engineering is a very versatile branch, which makes the students, expert in not only chemicals, but also in managing resources, protecting the environment and ensuring safety and health. As our world is spreading it's wings towards nexterday, revelations are made everyday in every field. And this is how more people are realising the importance of chemical engineering.

What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical engineering is applied chemistry. It is the branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machines and plants that perform chemical reactions to solve practical problems or make useful products. It involves the transformation of raw materials into useful goods, that are essential for us to live and survive, and which enhances our quality of life. Pharmaceuticals, plastics, fibers, metals, and ceramics are some fields from many that applies the concepts of chemical engineering. Development of alternative energy systems, biomedical materials and therapies, and strategies to minimize the environmental impact of technological advancements are the areas where the key applications of chemical engineering.

Qualities of a Chemical Engineer


With the study of this broad field, chemical engineers tend to use their skills of decision making. The study of subjects like mathematics, physics and chemistry enhance their ability of quick thinking and decision making.


In manufacturing and designing processes, engineers must identify problems related to labour management and safety.


What if you're studying chemical engineering? Maths will always be your friend and will keep sharpening your skills the whole graduation period.


Analysis of a chemical engineer is very minute. They need to scrutinize every single detail, because a single mistake can cost very much.

Where can you find yourself after Chemical Engineering? The best options

After pursuing Chemical Engineering, you'll have a variety of options to choose as your career step. The job prospects have two categories:

    • Thee design, manufacture, and operation of plants and machinery.
    • The development of new or adapted substances and materials.

Career in chemical engineering will open a variety of avenues for you to work in. The common sections, where most people work includes water, energy, food and pharmaceuticals industries.

Typical work of Chemical Engineers involves:

  • Conducting research to develop new and improved manufacturing processes.
  • Developing safety measures for people working with dangerous chemicals.
  • Developing processes for separating components of liquids and gases, or for generating electrical currents, by using controlled chemical processes.
  • Examining problems with manufacturing processes
  • Estimate production costs for management.

Workplace for Chemical Engineers

With almost every industry requiring the services of chemical engineers, the workplace environment can vary with nature of jobs. Large corporations, government entities, and small firms all need chemical engineers, but most of them work in big corporations as a part of a team. Three-fourth of engineers work in manufacturing industries.

Salary in Chemical Engineering jobs

Chemical engineering offers one of the highest paying careers for both entry level and experienced chemical engineers. Chemical engineers can earn good salaries straight out of college, but years of experience or higher education can double the salary rate.