
Our highly eminent and extremely dedicated team members are people who personify the very qualities that have made us successful.

MGU Bhopal

Late Shri K.K Tiwari

Founder Chancellor

The Mansarovar Global University is yet another milestone in our unending journey in pursuit of excellence – the culmination of a long-standing dream to establish a seat of global learning that reflects the best practices of the leading universities of the world. Welcome to Mansarovar University – one of India’s truly dynamic universities. At MGU, we have set for ourselves a high benchmark, not just in terms of academic standards, but also in transparency, accountability and governance. If you decide to enroll at MGU, you would find a wealth of learning opportunities in a vibrant campus that would serve as an essential stepping stone to a fulfilling life and career.

Welcome to a holistic learning experience!!

MGU Bhopal

Mrs. Manjula Tiwari


MGU Bhopal

Prof. Arun K. Pandey


On behalf of the Mansarovar Global University, I take this opportunity to welcome you to this institution. MGU is a fast-growing young university which is committed to its vision of becoming a dynamic epicenter of excellence in the field of higher education. The University aims to provide high-quality education, equipping students with the knowledge and essential skills necessary and required to play a leading role in today’s fast-paced environment. Our mission is to develop confident professional leaders, independent thinkers, and creative entrepreneurs.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mansarovar Global University.

MGU Bhopal

Col H.R. Ruhil

Pro Vice-Chancellor

The aim of any education system is to provide inclusive quality education and learning opportunities for all which ensures that a learner is eventually transformed into a good human being imbibed with moral and ethical values and is equipped with adequate employment skills (for self employment or job). In addition, the learner should attain good communication skills imbibed with logical reasoning and analytical powers so that his intellectual ability is not confined to his own field but can be used in any situation and in any field.

At MGU, we provide unique environment that fosters students to be equipped with a wide array of skills and comprise the most adaptable workforce. It is our endeavour to constantly evolve systems and methods to ensure that quality education is provided at affordable cost to all seekers of knowledge at their convenience and pace with the sole aim of ensuring that each passing out student has multi skills required by the industry and the qualities of a good citizen useful to the whole society. We are sanguine that the students passing out of our university will be good contributors to the Gross National Product (GDP) and Gross National Happiness.