
Interior Designers are the individuals responsible for creating aesthetically pleasing rooms and spaces. They can create beautiful theme-based designs all within a budget with the right materials. Interior Decoration is a hard field to survive in. Employers and clients also look for specific skills in Interior Designers before hiring them.

Students deciding on enrolling in an interior design course at a university like MGU must be aware of what the field requires. Stated below are some hard and soft skills an ideal Interior Designer should possess.

Skills Necessary For An Interior Designer

Hard Skills


The right color scheme and lighting used in rooms can change the whole model. Designers can create a whole theme with the right colors and lights. This is one of the top skills required for an Interior Designer to have. Different colors work better with different surfaces and materials which the right designer should have strong knowledge of. Manipulating the natural daylight to fulfill the room’s purpose is another aspect of interior design. Possession of this skill will make the Interior Designer more versatile and flexible.

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Computer-Aided Design or CAD is computer software that is used primarily for engineering, architectural, and interior designs. The designs created are two-dimensional and also three-dimensional models of the proposed project. Knowledge of CAD is essential to show the clients what the project would look like, any changes, and all the elements as well. There are several Computer-Aided Design software in the market for Interior Designers. Some of the more popular ones are Sketchup, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Archicad, Infurnia, etc.


In the absence of computer software, Interior Designers rely on drafting to create representations of the finished project. The designer draws using actual measurements and elevations of the space that they are decorating. Softwares are a useful addition to the process that will save time and money. However, knowing how to do the same by hand will give the individual a feel of the space and help them create more accurate creations.


For any construction, there are both national and state codes to follow. These codes are a set of requirements or regulations that the building or the renovated space must follow. If the project does not meet these codes, they could be charged a fine or the project could get shut down as well. Interior Designers should be aware of the codes, depending on the project and ensure they are not violated.


Just as colour and lighting are important to a room, so are material and textures. Texture refers to the surface of a material. For instance, for a cushion, a silk cover would be silky to the touch. Having the right materials and textures will dictate a lot at first glance for a room. These elements are also important for the visual effect and must fit the design theme as well. Interior designers must know which materials to suggest as per theme and budget.

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Soft Skills


Interior Decorators need to work in a team with multiple clients, vendors and also fellow decorators. Having good teamwork skills means one is able to meet deadlines fast and there is no lack of communication. Updates and changes are transmitted across smoothly and any risks to be taken are backed up by the whole team. There are a lot of individual moving parts to a project and all of the parts must move together towards a common goal that can be bought on by teamwork. There is not only greater job satisfaction but also less stress.


Critical Thinking refers to an ability to analyse a situation with all the facts and then to objectively arrive at a judgment. In the workspace, critical thinking abilities are especially important as it means the individual is more independent and reflective in nature. They can analyse ideas logically and look at arguments to find any errors. This will then enable them to better work through the errors and solve any sort of problem. On a smaller scale, Interior Designers with critical thinking skills can also manage their busy schedules better with this skill.


Communication Skills refer to not just spoken words but also written words. Communication abilities are one such soft skill for Interior designers that many are scared of but they are an important skill to polish for the workplace. Individuals who are able to talk better can work better, greater would be the quality of the performance. Any minor problems or issues are avoided and there is also a better bond with the team members. Managers and leaders also need to be good orators in order to better manage teams and inspire them to work harder.


As interior designers, creativity is essential. They must be able to visualize and imagine what the finished project would look like. The designer should also be able to picture how any ideas or concepts would be in the end project. From choosing the right colors, materials, and construction to furnishings, each aspect of interior decorating needs creativity. Interior designers also need to work with different themes, as per client needs, for which creativity is a necessity.


Interior designers have very hectic schedules and are constantly on their feet. There are meetings to attend, visiting shops, and vendors to buy raw materials from. There is also a host of paperwork to do and the designer is also taking care of the financing of the project. In the midst of all of this, the interior designer should have an organized work style. An organized mindset would enable the decorator to handle all tasks better with accuracy. This skill will additionally help the designer manage their teammates better too.

How To Learn New Skills?

The above skills for Interior designers are not exhaustive. There are many more skills that make a successful Interior Designer. Some of these skills can be learned through a short-term course while others are learned with experience. There are some steps one can adopt to learn these essential skills, some of which are as below.

  • Join a professional association to meet like-minded people and network.
  • Enroll in an online course in any specialization.
  • Attend design seminars and workshops.


Interior Design is a highly lucrative field where one can also set up their own entrepreneurial practice. Like with any field, Interior Design needs individuals to have some specific skills. These skills, luckily, can be picked up easily through a dedicated course or by networking.