What Skills And Knowledge Will You Gain From A Diploma In Community Service Course?

Community service is a service where one puts in their time and effort towards a cause, usually a social one. Most community services courses provide paid or unpaid internships on a volunteer basis. Students usually do it as a means to boost their resumes for job search or higher education later on. To help these students perform better at these gigs and possibly work in the field on a full-time basis, colleges like Mansarovar Global University have started offering dedicated 1 year diploma courses on community service.

Most community service courses are short-term in duration. A diploma in Community Service teaches the skills required to serve people. It is the perfect course to enrol on and pick up on the side when studying. However, before one goes about taking admission, let us understand what the course is and what one can gain from it.

Advantages of studying Diploma In Community Service Course

The advantages that any course provides depend on the individual pursuing it. What benefits students pick up is dependent on the personality of the student. However, some general advantages that can apply to all are as below.

Become a part of an up-and-coming industry:

Community service is a booming industry. In a country like India which has a high population, there is always going to be someone who needs help. Especially, since more people are living up to older ages, there are older age houses that need individuals with a specialised degree like a diploma in community service. There are both full-time office jobs and jobs that involve fieldwork both for which the diploma holder would be eligible. The community service skills learned in the course can guarantee long-term sustainability and progression to high ranks.

Make a difference in people’s lives

The community services training during the diploma in community service course helps students make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. People who choose this career are usually genuinely interested in working for the betterment of other people. Helping someone when they need it the most and seeing them taking the help to succeed motivates many people. People who are passionate about this line of work would find a sense of purpose and fulfilment at the end of a hard day’s work.

Earn transferable skills

The way community courses are designed all community skills development students can be easily transferred to other jobs as well. While technical skills learned on the job would be suitable to a particular industry only, soft skills are highly valuable for other jobs. Skills like critical thinking, management and leadership abilities and listening skills are some examples. Communication skills are also a major advantage that most community service workers excel in with time. This is a job where one would be interacting with many other people on a daily basis, which helps in growing the professional network of individuals.

Flexibility in job

Community service jobs are highly flexible. For starters, the number of hours required to work in community service is not fixed like in a 9 to 5 job. Moreover, candidates are not required to come to work all five days of the week. This leaves plenty of room to explore other career options or remote jobs on the side for extra income. Community service workers also have to travel often due to work. One day could be working from home or the office while the next day they could be travelling across the country.

Choice of specialisations

Probably the best part of a diploma in community service is the choice of specialisations. Here specialisations refer to the work areas one can work in. For instance, the social work skills and knowledge learned in the course help one to work in drug abuse, elderly care, youths, family counselling, employment and more. Also, as mentioned above, the skills learned in these jobs are transferable meaning one can easily switch their job area or specialisation.


Skills one can earn from a Diploma In Community Service Course

It has been mentioned above that community service degrees provide transferable skills. Let’s look at some skills that one can end up earning after graduating from community service courses.

Learn counselling

One of the top technical skills the community service workers learn is how to counsel. Counselling here refers to talking to people, listening to their problems and then providing advice or guidance to arrive at their own conclusion. This is one skill that does not come naturally but requires practice to pick up. The ability to identify emotions in people and provide the correct response is tricky but is possible to pick when working in community service.

Identifying and responding to crises

Crisis management is a valuable skill to have in high-stress jobs. Community service workers know how to quickly analyse a situation and come up with a solution that is in favour of the greater good. It is easy to panic and causes more confusion. Only an able person can remain calm and start thinking of solutions. This is one skill that is helpful not just at the workplace but also in personal life.

Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are a necessity wherever one works. These are skills that one uses when talking to other people. This is an extremely valuable skill to have for any social situation. People with good interpersonal skills are able to build better relations and empathise well with the people they work with, in this case, perfect for community service.


Most individuals in this field are known for their community service leadership skills. These workers have full control over their work and have to make decisions for society. This enables them to develop leadership skills. Community workers can lead large teams of workers and also work in high managerial positions at other companies.

Holistic servicing skills

While community service workers can choose one area of service to concentrate on, most are able to provide care in a holistic way. From emotional care to physical care and even legal help in some cases, community service workers are well-equipped to handle any sort of issue possible.


Such skills can be learned only at MGU as they have designed their diploma course in community service as per the need of the society and required skills to manage all complexity. A diploma in community service work is a unique course that must be pursued by students passionate about helping other people.

Whether it is for the diverse community services career pathways or the flexible work hours, there are many benefits of this course as we have earlier discussed. So if you are passionate about public welfare, you must go with this course.