Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy

Duration: 3 Years (minimum) - 6 Years (maximum)

Due to Mansarovar's innovative, focused, and research-intensive environment, our research students have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects that have a real-world impact. Studying here will open doors for you because of our love for the industries we work in and our long-standing connections with some of the most famous businesses in the world. Students now access the most current research opportunities across our eight theme areas.

Find out more about the pathways to pursue a research degree at MGU. In addition to these options, we also encourage submissions from prospective students who have a research plan or concept they would want to develop.

Agriculture Science & Technology, bhopal
Faculty of Agriculture Science & Technology, bhopal

Things to know

The length of the program is 36 months for full-time students or between 48 and 72 months for part-time students. Ph.D. studies have a probationary year. You will be required to submit a thesis proposal before the conclusion of the first year that defines a plan of study to address the issue, identifies a specific research topic, reviews pertinent literature, and summarises any preliminary findings. Thesis submission is anticipated after the third year, followed by an oral examination, and your progress is evaluated annually. You will be granted a doctorate if your thesis is determined to constitute an original addition to knowledge in your field.

Our academic staff members are leaders in their disciplines who are recognized on a global scale, enabling us to help students from various backgrounds and with a range of research interests. The MGU staff member shall assist with your choices with you. There are several ongoing research initiatives with us that you may become involved with. These are fully sponsored opportunities, frequently through partnerships with business and research bodies. If you have a research topic you'd like to investigate further, use our Expert Finder to locate a relevant academic. Then, send an email to the inquiries office, and they'll make sure your application and proposal are sent to either the academics you've located or the most suitable academic supervisory team, which can help you develop your proposal and research.

We can assist with developing and supporting any research project ideas that you or your employer may have related to your line of work. Because of our flexible approach to learning and delivery, many of our students can pursue a research degree while continuing to work for their present company, making it a balanced and rewarding experience.

Course work

After having been admitted, each Ph.D. student shall be required to undertake course work. The duration of the course shall be one/ two semesters for all candidates.

The course work shall be treated as pre-Ph.D. preparation. It shall include:

  • Semester one shall comprise of a course on research methodology which shall include quantitative methods and computer applications etc. and two of the electives suggested by supervisor/ co supervisor.
  • In second semester, the candidate has to choose two electives with the consent of his/her allotted supervisor/co-supervisor. A review or survey of the published research in the relevant field shall be submitted to the supervisor/co-supervisor for which supervisor/co-supervisor shall evaluate the review report.
  • The candidates who have obtained M.Phil degrees as a regular student based on entrance test shall be exempted from the Ph. D. course work.
Faculty of Agriculture Science & Technology, bhopal

Research work

The candidate shall pursue his/her research at the approved place of research under the supervisor/co-supervisor on the approved topic. The candidate shall be permitted to submit his/her thesis not earlier than 24 months after successful completion of course work at the research center and not later than six calendar years from the date of registration. In case a candidate does not submit his/her thesis within five calendar years, from the date of registration and does not apply for extension in time, his/her registration shall stand automatically cancelled.

Pre Ph.D viva Guidelines

At the end of completion of three calendar years, student is eligible to appear for Pre-Ph. D. viva. After the incorporation of suggestion suggested by the Committee, final thesis can be submitted for evaluation and viva-voice. Research Scholars will present a power point presentation of 30 minutes, consisting of:

1. The presentation as per the following format (Duration: 20 minutes)

  • Introduction
  • Problem Formulation
  • Research gaps
  • Literature survey
  • Objective and Scope of the Study
  • Research Methodology
  • Experimentation/Survey/Simulation
  • Data Collection, analysis, and interpretation
  • Results and discussion/Validation
  • Conclusions/findings
  • Further scope of research
  • References as per IEEE format (Arranged in alphabetical order)
  • List of Paper Publications and Conference/Seminars

2. Question-Answer Session (Duration: 10 minutes)

Time management depends upon the skills of a scholar. The expert panel, if satisfied with the scholar’s work, may allow a month’s time to the scholar for the submission of the hardcopy of the thesis that shall be considered ready to be sent for evaluation. After the evaluation is done, and format worth for award Ph.D. Degree. The scholar will be asked to come for the final viva voce to defend the thesis before the panel of examiners. The scholar shall also be advised to bring photo copies of the published papers in international journals of repute/referred/indexed.

General guidelines for pre-thesis submission/ final viva-voce, presentation

  • The title of the thesis should be exactly the same as approved in RDC by the University.
  • The research scholar must have published at least two research papers related to the approved topic of research in national/international journals of repute as notified on the website of the University to the satisfaction of DRC/CRC.
  • The research scholar must have submitted and presented the six monthly progress reports, and secured a favorable decision of CRC/DRC for continuation of registration to the Ph.D. programme.
  • The research scholar should clear all the outstanding dues including fine, if any.
  • The research scholar should complete the research work and prepare a draft thesis which should be duly checked and certified by the approved supervisor. All the chapters should be ready and properly arranged, figures, Tables are properly numbered, and standard referencing guidelines as per University prescribed format should be followed. Kindly make sure that there are no typographical, referencing and formatting errors.
  • Submit six copies of summary of research work in soft binding at least two weeks in advance.
  • Request for fixing a mutually convenient date for pre thesis submission presentation in consultation with Director/ Principal/ Head of the concerned College/ Department/ Center.
  • Prepare a presentation on the draft thesis of approximately 30 minutes using Power Point Slides. The presentation must cover the following:
    1. Introduction
    2. Problem Formulation
    3. Research gaps
    4. Literature survey
    5. Objective and Scope of the Study
    6. Research Methodology
    7. Experimentation/Survey/Simulation
    8. Data Collection, analysis, and interpretation
    9. Results and discussion/Validation
    10. Conclusions/findings
    11. Further scope of research
    12. References as per IEEE format (Arranged in alphabetical order)
    13. List of Paper Publications and Conference/Seminars
  • If you need any special arrangement/ equipment for the presentation, inform the college/department/center well in advance.
  • Note the corrections/suggestions made during and after the pre thesis submission presentation for necessary action.
  • Collect the necessary proforma and the procedure for thesis submission from HOD.
  • The thesis should be submitted within three months of the date of Pre Thesis Submission Presentation incorporating the suggestions and observations made by the CRC/DRC.
  • A certificate from competent authority and self-certification indicating plagiarization level is attached will thesis. Plagiarization level should not be more than 10%. (As per UGC Amendment Regulations, 23rd July, 2018)

General guidelines for research scholars for RDC & PSDC meeting

Student must carry the following documents/articles when they will come for RDC/PSDC meeting in University campus. Student must present one day before from the scheduled date of meeting to complete related formalities.

  • Fee clearance certificate (No-Dues) from account department of the University.
  • Original Migration certificate. (If not submitted)
  • Copy of Aadhar card. (If not submitted)
  • Copy of Entrance examination pass certificate. (If not submitted)
  • Copy of Course Work mark sheet. (for RDC meeting)
  • 04 Copies of Synopsis as per University format. (for RDC meeting)
  • Copy of RDC letter. (for PSDC meeting)
  • Summary of Plagiarism Report given by University
  • Soft copy of Power Point Presentation (PPT) in a Pen Drive.
  • PPT should be to the point/concise and up to 30/35 slides.
  • Hard copy of one spiral thesis. (for PSDC)
  • Minimum 03 hardcopy of PPT.
  • Carry your personal laptop for presentation.


Student must carry the following documents/articles when they will come for Final Thesis Submission.

  • Final Fee clearance certificate (Final No-Dues) from account department of the University.
  • 5 Hard Binding Copy of Thesis (duly signed by supervisor/co-supervisor) as per University format.
  • 5 Hard Binding Copy of Summary of the Thesis.
  • 1 Spiral Binding Copy of Full Plagiarism Report given by University.
  • Soft copy of your Thesis, Summary and Plagiarism Report in PDF form in PEN drive.

For any related issues contact to +91 9981176922 (from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm)

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Take the first step towards a brighter future with Mansarovar Global University. Our diverse range of courses is designed to cater to your academic and professional aspirations. Apply now and join a vibrant community of learners and innovators as you embark on your journey to success!

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